Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Busy, Busy Cleaning Days....

Oh blog, how I have neglected thee...This past week has had me feverishly cleaning my mom's house. She is wanting to move in the near future to be closer to me and my fiance, so the house must be cleaned! She has graciously offered to pay me since I am currently without a job and the cleaning/organizing is a huge undertaking.
2 years ago a flood hit Nashville. We count ourselves so lucky to have not had more damage than we did. My mom's house is situated on an incline in a subdivision with a basement/garage combo built into the incline. Ours is the only house in the subdivision like that and so was the only one in the subdivision with damage when the basement/garage was flooded with 3ft of water. I was living with my mom at the time while attending college full time. My studio was unfortunately located in the basement. So I lost nearly all of my supplies/artwork and my two cars that were parked in the garage and driveway. We didnt have flood insurance on the house but fortunately the cars did. But again, I count us so lucky to have such minor damage compared to others.
My mom is a keeper of all things memory related and a collector of craft supplies. half of the garage and basement was full of boxes of these two things. She was able to clear out alot while I was away at a work/study program that summer, but stopped when she started finding pictures and other things from when I was a baby. So, I am continuing the efforts now. I am also organizing the monumental collection of crafts, magazines, and books that are upstairs in the living room and a spare room. After a 1hr drive one way and 6-7hrs worth of work, I am sufficiently beat! So, my crafting has grinded to a complete halt as of late. /sigh
I am really interested in the one a day projects that I have spied on a few blogs and I think I am definitely in need of that little bit of time each day to craft. I will attempt to start this on Friday, as I am staying home for a much anticipated new washing machine. I am so excited to be getting a new one. We've been battling the old one for the past year.
So much to do, but I am looking forward to my little Friday craft break.  :)