It has been a looooooooooong time since I have posted. I hope to use this blog to have a place to show my miniatures and any other crafty project I am working on. It has been a whirlwind of a life the past 2 years. So much has changed and I feel like I am really settling into life and enjoying where I am at. In the last 2 years, since I have posted, I quit my job tattooing and got a new "real" job at RRD, a printing company. I have gotten married, October 20, 2012, and just recently had our 1st child, August 11, 2014. Dungeons & Dragons, tabletop gaming, and miniature painting has become a big part of my spare time. Of course, I still love my crochet, quilting, sewing, drawing, srapbooki......well all my hobbies. :)
I am really loving life right now. A newborn is a lot of work, but we still make time to enjoy our time together and with friends, new and old.
And just because I can, here is an adorable pic of my baby bear. :D